
I lay in two realizing what I have come to be. There wasn’t merely a strand of hope, more a struggle. The thought passed my mind seventy-two times, my life is at it’s end I struggled to stay close to the bottom half of me, seventy-two centimeters away from me. It was a bile scene swimming in the puddle of the sour remains that bled as my hearts impulse beat. The more I reached the faster my heart beat, seventy-two beats a minute. Cold sweats streamed down my pale skin deprived of color and sanity, I began at the ceiling dazing, feeling sick spinning about the room, catching my eyes heavy, not daring to shut them completely. Each blink was a challenge as white flashes blinded me, furthering me into my childhood as I seamlessly counted from zero to seventy-two left on the despair of the earth lifeless, my memories within a flash. Pain wasn’t the worst part, but dejection was, the hurt was a swelling crater of tenderness, at least that’s what I told my self hurts more. The world talks about life and death situations as the unknown, the reality behind this truth was death awaiting me. I remembered my mother she was a sweat old women, who never failed, but failed to stay with me. Our lucky number was seventy-two, and still remained to this day as when she died at the age of seventy-two. I am the soul of the Gods returning back to my home in ownership of the heavens, beyond the horizon so graceful and white. I’d find my place within the blink of an eye. My last wishes were to take my life rather than give that opportunity to my killer. Locked in the vein of fear I shall soon flee of the booming door behind, that made my hairs stand straight up. I took seventy-two blinks and on the last I fled that dream, awake above, soul alive, body dead, eyes wide open in the horror peering intently.

To this day ~ Shane Koyczan

Bullies are the kings that rule kingdoms

but drown us puppets in the tears shed


down deep in the dooms of despair

taking a breathe afraid to protect

holding in the quarrel of hurt

cutting at the dark wimps of deadness

eating our hearts

ambition isn’t our goal

living is a choice we decide to end

all for one who trails along our tail end

ugly, stupid, kill your self

its never ending

shadow masking decisions

the live heartbeat is accountable of feeling grazed and broken

we often follow our monsters into our closest

to suck the purity and replace it with scarcity

in fear of being kept hostage

for a life time

to our masters

wanting to escape with the pills kept at hand

by our bedside

convinced this was the only way out

too late

it’s the end


Our love is deeper than the pain of truth, where was the being who once preached our world is a peaceful offering of chance, hope, and opportunity, which no longer carries out much of a polar attraction each time a life is lost at war, cursing sorrow over many individuals hurting. Through the unseen actuality of our everyday lives, igniting our hatred beyond this universe of a search for why. There are many outbreaks and disasters that occur each day, and it kills me we can’t pray for the rest of the world, our mourning energy is consumed in one place than others. Paris, Paris, Paris. What about the kid washed ashore of Turkey, hardly acknowledged, or the fact Lebanon was bombed the following day. Peoples purpose on earth is to think creatively aside from robots, we all have an opinion to control or question righteousness from the wrong.

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