
The dancing waters drowned my thoughts. They were completely erased, replaced with its soft glittering appearance. The sight of it’s purity was breathtaking, it reflected its essence against the day sky, and gleamed in the nights presence, blinding me of its naked beauty. It’s energy was moving, it had an immerse amount of control over my bodies movement. I wanted to jump in, yearning myself breaking the urge. It’s pull of liveliness and activity beneath brought me to the edge, distancing myself backwards stunned at its deep blue complexions. The grey undertones reminded me much of the ocean, thoughts lingering of what lived within. For a fact I wondered if the water was magic, for it glistened in every angle the suns rays hit. The secluded body was found in an almost strange cave with a different feel to it. The feeling was enlightening, rather freeing as the water thoughtlessly flowed down from the top of the undiscovered cave, at the peeking hole of the suns ambition. All my troubles had fled disappearing through the calming sensation of its coolness, and the soft splashes of nature roaring against the lining of the cave. It’s selflessness left me accompanied by a sensational perception of stillness.


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